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SPO Sacred Sciences Program (NEW!)

From the first coo at birth to the first echo of baba/ dada to the first Alif they will articulate, our children’s first milestones are etched in our minds forever. It is these precious and timeless moments that inspire us to design our programs and services at Sanad Trust Foundation. We think long and hard about the type of environment that will preserve their identity in a natural way; the mode of teaching that will inspire a positive influence; and construct every aspect of the program that connects its outward and inward realities in harmony. Our children are a trust and a blessing from God and we aspire to help families fulfill that responsibility through our services. We hope you see these values reflected when reading the course description and details of our programs. Better yet, we invite you to join us on this journey and experience the best of what this program has to offer.

All service offerings under the sacred sciences program will follow the schedule & Fee structure listed below. Two classes will cover Quranic Studies and Islamic Studies (belief, practice, seerah). Each day will have two 35 mins classes.

Days: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays

Timings: 3:30pm – 4:45pm (each class is 35 mins, with 5 min break in between)

3:30p – 4:05pQuranic StudiesQuranic StudiesQuranic Studies
4:10p – 4:45pIslamic StudiesQuranic Studies * Islamic Studies
* Extended Quranic Studies on Wednesdays.


Semester 1: September 17, 2020- December 17, 2020

Semester 2: January 19, 2021- April 15, 2021

Tuition: $250 per subject per semester

* Limited Seating for each class, so don’t wait to register. You must pay the tuition to reserve your seat.

Quranic Studies

Beginners Level

This course is designed to build upon the foundational skills of  letter recognition and articulation/pronunciation. Students should already have the basic letter recognition and pronunciation capacity and be ready to progress in their learning by mastering  pronunciation, putting letters together to form words and recite simple Qur’anic sentences. Our instructors will use the renowned and tested Qaida Noorania text and methodology to ensure standards and consistency of learning. Students will be assigned some practice work that should be done at home after the class to reinforce the material introduced in class. Students will also be expected to memorize short surah from Juz amma. The surah’s will be introduced in class but must be practiced at home to ensure memorization progress as class time will not be sufficient to master memorization. Our goal at the end of the semester is for students to pronounce arabic words and small sentences and memorize 3-5 surah’s.  (Minimum Grade 3)

Intermediate Level

We know from our tradition, the words of the prophet peace be upon him and human psychology that adolescence is a volatile and precarious phase in life. Students are experiencing developmental growth at so many levels, including their relationship with their faith and the prophet peace be upon him. As such, this course is designed to be sensitive to their needs while moving them further along in theoretical and practical ways in relation to the Qur’an and its significance. Students in this cohort are expected to be reciting Qur’an with comfort and a degree of fluency and confidence. The lessons will focus on tajweed concepts for improving recitation and articulation, memorization and elements of commentary to help students connect in a deeper and meaningful way with the  Qur’an. The teaching methodology is based upon an understanding of having adab with the Qur’an, which if developed and ignited within the student can be a source of opening and inspiration for the student for the rest of their life. Our efforts are focused on that goal while helping students develop that connection and relationship with Allah, His messenger peace be upon him and the Qur’an.  

Advance Level

The Prophet Muhammad pace be upon him’s  journey began with ‘Iqra’ in the Cave of Hira but it continues until his last breath. That is his legacy and following in his footsteps means we aspire to do the same. Sanad Prep is inspired by this and considers it a communal responsibility to present opportunities and create environments around our children to facilitate the fulfillment of this goal. Students at this level are fluent readers of the Qur’an and will advance their journey with tajweed concepts, improving their recitation, progressing with their memorization and diving deeper into the study of Qur’an. The mode of the class as it relates to adab with the book of Allah  will be as important as the means taken to achieve the goal. Our goal at the end of this semester is to help deepen the students’ connection and appreciation for the Qur’an and be able to relate to it in meaningful ways,while advancing their knowledge of theoretical aspects.      

* On Wednesdays both block 1 and block 2 will be dedicated to Quranic Studies.

Islamic Studies

Upper Elementary (Grades 3-5)

Simple and easy to understand yet foundational to worldview development, this course develops a clear and basic understanding of the essential principles of faith, cultivating good character and the meaning of having god consciousness. Children will cover a text that introduces simple and clear concepts from the Qur’an and hadith in a relevant and tangible, interactive and enjoyable way. Students will also do group activities, discussions and pop quizzes together to enhance their understanding of the concepts covered in class. This course is a must for all lower elementary students and the next step from the occasional weekend learning programs. Our goal at the completion of the course is for students to know the foundational essentials of faith, develop a positive Muslim identity through the interactive and engagement components of the course, and be excited and curious about their faith and the role it plays in helping them become better citizens and human-beings. Having fun is also mandatory for students and teachers:)

Middle School

We know through the study of science, specifically botany, that a tree will not blossom or bear fruit if the conditions and its environment are not optimal. So although it needs a source of heat (sun) and water, it also needs a healthy environment for it to bring forth an optimal output, the bearing of fruit. This analogy can be applied aptly to the study and pursuit of knowledge. A student can be given access to the best of curriculum and teachers but without a nourishing and healthy environment, the optimal results are at best risked and at worst, neglected. Our coaches are inspired by this approach and offer the best of themselves to the students. The course will be taught using books and resources that are catered to this age group and engages them in a natural way to connect to their faith. Students will cover concepts ranging from principles of  belief, character of the prophet peace be upon him,  stories of the prophets and more. The lessons will be interactive and intended to ensure a deeper understanding of Islam while solidifying positive Muslim identity.

High School

This course is a very special opportunity for high school age students to learn and connect with their faith. Many of our American youth today find themselves limited or incapable of identifying with their faith in  a manner that is relevant and personable. They as a result end up developing dual identities or experience acculturation at the expense of their religious identity. Our goal with this course is to inspire our youth based on the practicum of the prophet peace be upon him’s  life and teachings.  We have selected some very special text and will introduce it in a way that may resonate better with  the mind and heart of an American Muslim Youth. Concepts covered may include prophet’s attributes, his character, his practice of faith through his interaction with young people, his leadership style and ways he inspired people around him.  The lessons are intended to be engaging, interactive, easy to grasp yet expansive in relation to the ideas covered.  

Student Expectations & Etiquette

Attendance and punctuation is required. If a student will miss a class due to sickness, travel or any other reason, the learning coach should be notified in advance. The students are expected to have a working computer, mic and no distraction environment. Students should come to class prepared and be groomed with a head covering and ready to participate in class.

SPO Full-time Program

The Sanad Prep Online (SPO): Full-time program launched for the 2020-2021 academic year. It is a public school option for families who reside in Florida and are considering schooling from home. With over a decade of experience, SPO Full-time offers qualified and trained learning coach services, comprehensive support, and complete management of curriculum for both the Standard AND Sacred Sciences for students in grades 3 – 12.

The 2020-21 academic year application period for the SPO Full-time program is currently closed.